Our client needed assistance with transforming their marquee in-person Take Your Child to Work Experience to an online experience. Due to a more distributed workforce and the desire to maintain their global engagement they felt it was time to go from in-person to virtual. 

They identified three goals to make this program transformation successful. They wanted to incorporate their global team (36 countries), engage children aged 4 - 12 years old, and wrap that all into a nice package highlighting the important roles on and off campus.

What started as just a strategy session, quickly lead into Bash running lead on a full execution. 


Through our personalized strategy studio workshop we created a framework, action plan, and identified a theme that would both highlight the magic within the company that helped the young participants get into STEAM learning. 

Working with vetted partners, we created original video content, along with printable at-home labs and worksheets, so parents and their children could participate in the learning process. Finally it was all tied together with a cast of animated characters that tie back to the company’s brand. 

We didn’t stop there, throughout the entire implementation we helped set up process and templates so this event can grow and evolve for years to come. Allowing them to adjust the program to the current interest and company culture. 


  • Full theme ideation and execution

  • A-Z project management

  • Video editing management

  • Animation management

  • Consulting on processes for future events of this kind