Reposition Your End of Year Party: Maximize Value and Build Community


In today's corporate landscape, budget cuts are a common challenge, leading to fewer events and making it essential that chosen events deliver high value and serve multiple purposes. This raises a critical question we often workshop with our clients: “Which events are crucial to our company’s culture and align with our business goals?”

To address this, some companies may attempt to merge internal and external events. For instance, we've received requests to combine a Global Sales Kickoff with a Product Launch to cater to employees, clients, and partners simultaneously. However, this approach often misses the mark. We have guided our clients away from this concept because casting such a broad net of goals makes it unlikely to achieve any of them effectively.

Internal kickoff events are specifically designed to foster team connections, facilitate deep learning, drive retention and recruitment opportunities, and provide tailored training for employees to grow and achieve their goals throughout the year. In contrast, product launches aim to generate buzz and interest among potential customers, stakeholders, and the media. They involve showcasing the product's features, benefits, and unique selling points to create excitement and drive initial sales. These events are also strategic opportunities to establish the product's market position, gather valuable customer feedback, and build brand awareness. The stark differences between these two events ultimately mean they both deserve their own spotlight.

However, the idea of blending employees with clients at a single event isn’t inherently flawed; it simply requires clear goals, the right setting, and an intentional experience for all attendees. At Bash Creative, we believe this can be effectively achieved through an end-of-year Appreciation Celebration, replacing the standard holiday celebration. Such an event brings together the most important components of your business—customers and team members—and allows you to show your gratitude and share the experience together. Maximizing the value justifies the spend and fosters closer relationships between your team and clients, ensuring a return on your investment. Interested to dive into this on a deeper level for your team? Let’s chat!

Opportunities for Your End of Year Appreciation Event

Awards & Recognition Ceremony: Host a ceremony to honor the outstanding achievements of both employees and clients, with categories like innovation, collaboration, and customer success.

Foster Warm Leads: Engage top prospects in a more personal setting, fostering warm leads and strengthening business relationships.

Client Showcase & Partner Appreciation: Provide a platform for clients to showcase their success stories, projects, or case studies, highlighting the value of your partnerships. Your executive team can also take the stage to recognize partners with personal thank-you speeches and surprise gifts, emphasizing their importance to your success.

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities: Create unique opportunities for giving back to the community together, reinforcing your company's commitment to social responsibility.

Pure Fun: Bring everyone together with playful activities like arcade games or live band karaoke, enhancing the overall enjoyment and camaraderie of the event.

We understand that developing a fresh event concept with a clear plan and budget can be challenging, especially when seeking buy-in from your executive team. Don’t hesitate to start the conversation with Bash Creative. Leverage our expertise to brainstorm, strategize, and craft the perfect pitch for your upcoming event!

Bash Creative is an event planning company that specializes in incredible gatherings that go beyond just great design. We’re known for teasing out smart goals for your event and serve up a stylish execution that will keep your guests buzzing. Located in San Francisco, but often found in New York, Austin, Chicago, Seattle, and beyond.